Ready to level-up your mental health?

    Are you enjoying Sensa? We sure hope so! We'd like to introduce you to some special discounts we've pulled together for you.

    It's time to fix your relationship with food

    Learn the way to maintain a healthy, satisfied stomach without letting food control your life.

    Recognize emotional eating and stop it from becoming harmful to your health

    Reduce anxiety and stress by appreciating food

    Understand your physical hunger cues and respect your fullness

    Be mindful while enjoying a meal and adapt this technique to other parts of your life

    Avoid distractions and engage all your senses in the activity you are currently doing

    mindful eating eBook image

    You'd be surprised how much food impacts your self-esteem...

    Do you ever find yourself just...snacking? You may not be hungry, but nevertheless, the food finds a way into your mouth.

    It's a common problem for those of us suffering with low self-esteem – food can often fill a void we feel inside of ourselves. A relationship like this with food can lead to serious problems in the long run, so let's get on top of it right away with the Mindful Eating eBook.

    Bean eating burger and apple

    Stress eating – why you should stop it now

    Eating as a coping mechanism might come with some serious consequences for your well-being, such as:

    Guilt and nausea afterward

    Weight-related health issues in the long run

    Luckily, there is something you can do right now to get rid of this bad habit and see the effects this change will have on your fatigue.

    Join our satisfied customers on the path to mindfulness

    See how we’ve helped others:

    Sara, 31

    I never thought that I was an emotional eater – right now, I can not only identify harmful eating patterns but also find ways to fix them!

    Ellise, 35

    Usually, I would grab something from the local cafe and eat on the go. After a while, this habit started to backfire, as I started to feel sluggish and always hungry. With this book about mindful eating, I learned how to enjoy my meals – and my life – more.

    Abby, 27

    After starting my new job, it seemed that I couldn't find a moment to sit down and eat. I would go the entire day without eating, and then stuff myself with fast food once I get back home. I needed motivation to start treating myself better – and the "Mindful eating" became a guidebook to a healthier me.

    Get the help you deserve now and leave bad habits behind

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