Don't miss out on these carefully selected features for ADHD management

    28+ self-paced lessons

    developed by professional behavioral therapists.

    Simple 10 to 30 minute activities

    for you to complete each day. Small steps lead to big results.

    Daily guidance

    helping you improve your well-being and keep your ADHD symptoms under control.

    Concise content

    will help you both understand and manage your distraction triggers.

    A customizable habit planner

    allows you to track your progress, eliminate bad habits, and create new, healthy ones.

    Quick-relief exercises

    to help you relax during stressful situations.

    Real people. Real stories.

    See how we've helped others:

    Steven D. 30

    St Louis, USA

    Getting bored within minutes of something starting was my biggest flaw – and my impulsive behavior even led to some trouble with the law. Learning to understand myself and my emotions has really helped me make better decisions.

    Sarah H. 26

    New Jersey, USA

    I've always struggled with consistency and self-esteem, but learning to reframe my thoughts and avoid always jumping to negative conclusions has allowed me to really get hold of my anxiety and reduce it.

    Angela P. 35

    Brighton, UK

    Learning how to plan things effectively without feeling overwhelmed has been a life-saver for me. Staying focused at work has helped my performance to no end.

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