Using the answers you provided, we've calculated your levels of social anxiety – check out the results 👇
Your social anxiety symptom level is:
0/0 (-)
See the benefits of reduced anxiety in social situations
Based on your data, we recommend to start with our for the most effective results.
Based on the answers you provided, you may be suffering with:
Your scores indicate that you could be avoiding interactions due to fear of the unknown
You tend to take actions to limit social or performance-related situations
You try to leave, or escape, from situations where you feel uncomfortable or scared
of users were able to reduce their fear of social situations in just 6 weeks
of users started with the same level of social anxiety as you
of users suffered from the same anxiety triggers as you
Sensa is proudly nominated for an UCSF Health Hub Digital Health Award – 2022.
See how we've helped others:
In a study published in the National Library of Medicine, it was determined that using the Sensa mobile app was related to decreased depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms.[1]
You know that feeling – the one that tells you that you don't belong?
The dread you feel when invited to a social gathering, the discomfort you feel when attending an event.
It happens to the best of us, and you firstly need to understand that what you're experiencing doesn't make you weak – it makes you a person.
We built Sensa to help you build yourself up, not re-invent the wheel. Just 10-30 minutes of work per day can lead to huge effects on your overall confidence levels.
We know that asking for help feels like admitting defeat – in fact it's the opposite. The strength you're showing today is what will lead you to the results you desire. We're in this together, are you ready?
Dainius Jakučionis MD
The brains behind Sensa
Anxiety and stress
Inability to focus
Difficulty controlling emotions
Low self-confidence
Emotional instability
A relaxed state of mind
Concise, laser-focus
The ability to control how you think
Confidence to be truly yourself
Emotional balance
As featured in:
developed by professional behavioral therapists.
for you to complete each day. Small steps lead to big results.
helps you maintain your routine and make your journey towards an anxiety-free life simple
will help you both understand and manage your social anxiety triggers
allows you to track your progress, eliminate bad habits, and create new, healthy ones.
to help you relax during stressful situations.